Engineering Internatyional Journal-IJTRET

IJTRET  is an Internationaljournal of Engineering Research, Engineering Science, Applied Science, Computer Science Engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, Civil engineering and other branches of Engineering. IJTRET also publishes articles in Biomedical, Pharmaceutical science and  Management Information Systems.

IJTRET welcomes authors to submit papers concerning any branch of Engineering and Technology and their applications

Manuscripts submitted to the International journal of Trendy Research in Engineering and Technology(IJTRET)will be subjected to both review and editing.

Features & Authors Benefits

Fast & Easy paper publishing process.

High SJIF impactfactor – 6.53

Good cite score

Indexed and archived in  : Academia, Google scholar, Internet Archive, SCRIBD

Manuscript preparation assistance

Rewarding potential student authors by giving ‘best research paper award’for each journal issues.

IJTRET provides individualCertificates of Publicationto all Authors

The core vision of IJTRET is sharing innovative ideas and current trends in science ,engineering and technology. It also provides a place for scientists, faculty working in academic institutions and students to present the results of their ongoing research and project work.

IJTRET   is the best International Journal for machine learning, Artificial intelligence, and mechanical engineering.

IJTRET- International Journal of research is an open access Journal with a high impact factor.

IJTRET –Engineering Journal –  computer science Journal, Electrical Journal , Electronics Journal, Civil engineering journal, Mechanical engineering journal , Machine Learning Journal      

Article –   The above content may be used for trendytechjournals.wordpress  article    also.

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